Monday, September 24, 2007


According to Darwin, "Love is still the commonest theme of our songs. As Herbert Spencer remarks, music arouses dormant sentiments of which we had not conceived the possibility, and do not know the meaning...musical tones and rhythm were used by the half-human progenitors of men, during the season of courtship, when animals of all kinds are excited by the strongest passions" (272). According to this, the opposite sex, women in my case, like more than a good body. Darwin suggests that they like intellect combined with the ability to inspire emotion in their potential mates. Although men can visit the weight room and achieve a certain bodily structure, most men try their whole life to create a "song" that interests women. "Game", the ability to lure women, is unique among all individuals. Although all individuals possess some sort of "game", not every one's "game" is equal, therefore some undoubtedly attract more females than others.

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