Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Confusion in Evolution

Like many students during the final weeks of school, David is experiencing much confusion in his life. This confusion stems from moral, ethical, and even physical issues. Aware that his father has no clue as to the life he is leadeing, he decides to write to his Dad to inform him on his situation, and be a good son. The letter David has intended on writing to his father was going to contain a lie about his current situation in life. More interestingly, are the reasons why David feels he cannot write to his Dad. David writes, "I did not want to write to my would have been too definitive an act. I knew which lie I was going to tell him and I knew which lie was going to work. I was not sure it would be a lie." (114) This last statement, about David not telling a lie has deep implications. The reader can speculate that David was going to tell his father that he had found a woman, and one day, possibly soon she and David would venture to the U.S. David's unwillingness to call this a lie respresents his progress in the quest for defining his sexual identity. It appears that he really wants to be with Hella. In his conversations with Giovanni this point becomes evident as well as the point that he is tired of living with Giovanni and all his emotional hardships. If David had actually evolved I'm sure his father would be glad to hear about him resting in heterosexuality. A letter from David, his only son, would surely offer him some much needed consolation.

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